Russische Zentralbank senkt Leitzins auf 8,25 Prozent
Am Freitag, den 27. Oktober 2017, hat Russlands Zentralbank beschlossen, den Leitzins um 0,25 Basispunkte auf 8,25 Prozent zu senken. Vor knapp einem Monat hatte die Währungshüterin den Leitzins bereits von 9 auf 8,5 Prozent verringert.
Die russische Zentralbank begründet ihre Entscheidung in einer Pressemeldung:
“On 27 October 2017, the Bank of Russia Board of Directors decided to reduce the key rate by 25 bp to 8.25% per annum. The Board notes that inflation holds close to 4%. Its downward deviation against the forecast is driven mainly by temporary factors. The economy continues to grow. Inflation expectations remain elevated. Their decline has yet to become sustainable and consistent. Medium-term risks of inflation overshooting the target dominate over the risks of its persistent downward deviation. In recognition of this, the Bank of Russia’s ongoing transition from moderately tight to neutral monetary policy is gradual.
Moving forward, the Bank of Russia’s key rate decisions will be based on its assessment on the balance of risks for inflation significantly and persistently deviating in either direction from the target, as well as consumer price movements and economic activity against the forecast. The Bank of Russia Board of Directors leaves open the option of further rate reduction at its upcoming meetings.
In making its key rate decision, the Bank of Russia recognised the following factors.
Inflation dynamics. Annual inflation holds close to […]
Monetary conditions lay the groundwork for inflation holding close to 4% and not constraining economic growth. […]
Economic activity. According to Bank of Russia estimates, Q3 GDP growth continued in line with the forecast. […]
Inflation risks. A number of factors bear the risk of inflation deviating from the target both upwards and downwards. On the short-term horizon, among these factors are food price movements triggered by the supply of farm produce. […]”
Die nächste Zentralbank-Sitzung findet am 15. Dezember 2017 statt.